
The Heirloom Tomato: Michigan Tradition with a Nutritious Twist

  Summertime in Michigan brings us some beautiful and colorful fruits and vegetables. Particularly in the months of August & September we see an abundant amount of heirloom tomatoes. Coming in all shapes and sizes, heirloom tomatoes…

The Cruciferous Vegetable: A Cancer Fighting Super-food

  When you open up your Doorganics bin next week, you may find yourself in awe by the beauty and distinctiveness of the Romanesco Broccoli, or Roman Cauliflower.  A variant form of cauliflower, this vegetable is not only gorgeous but…

Cucumber: A Natural Stress Reliever

  This week’s Doorganics delivery features Cucumbers, a true superfood, loaded with vitamins and nutrients crucial to overall health. One small cucumber provides substantial amounts of B-vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium…

Blueberries: A Fountain of Youth?

  First and foremost, I want to introduce myself and give a huge thank you to Doorganics for giving me the opportunity to be a part of their team! My name is Kelly Hassberger. I am a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and the owner of Grand…

Kohlrabi - Kale's Funky Cousin

Until a few weeks ago I had only heard of kohlrabi, but never seen it. While I was picking up produce for a friend I was offered to take home some Kohlrabi. My first thought, what do I do with this thing? It looked like a lovely plant that I…