Blueberries: A Fountain of Youth?
First and foremost, I want to introduce myself and give a huge thank you to Doorganics for giving me the opportunity to be a part of their team!
My name is Kelly Hassberger. I am a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and the owner of Grand…
Krazy for Kohlrabi
UncategorizedHello everyone, happy Monday to you! Wow the weekends sure go by quickly, especially during the summer months. For those of you who may not know me, my name is Erin Dressander, a native of Grand Rapids and a local food lover. I started working…
Kohlrabi - Kale's Funky Cousin
UncategorizedUntil a few weeks ago I had only heard of kohlrabi, but never seen it. While I was picking up produce for a friend I was offered to take home some Kohlrabi. My first thought, what do I do with this thing? It looked like a lovely plant that I…
Kale Basil Pesto on Grilled Veggies
It's mid July, and the impossible is happening. You're running out of preparation ideas for all these great local greens. Just think back to January and February, when you never thought this problem could occur! Not to worry,…
All Hail Kale!
UncategorizedKale is truly the "it" vegetable right now. You can even get a t-shirt proclaiming your love of this leafy green vegetable, and that's saying something. If you haven't jumped on the kale bandwagon yet, I'm here to help you out. This veggie is…